Yoga Inspired Diet. A shift to a more healthy diet and life
People suffer from many stomach related diseases, allergies, obesity and anorexia. We have studied and tested the traditional Yoga Diet and have created a new diet, inspired by this tradition of physical, mental and spiritual lifestyle. Discover the shifts we propose towards our Yoga Inspired Diet.

Yoga Diet shifts
If people eat and drink to forget problems and stress, the food behaves like poison. Become conscious of the food you eat. Shift away from poisoned food habits. Starting from today’s unhealthy food habits we propose following adapted food rituals:
Calories – Only eat when you are hungry and enjoy the taste of your food
Today | Traditional Yoga Diet | -> Yoga Inspired Diet |
People do not only eat when they are hungry but also when they are bored or stressed. | Only eat when you are hungry and stop when your hunger feeling has ended. Ideally eat 4 times a day with gaps of 3-4 hours. | Only eat when you are hungry and stop when your hunger feeling has ended. Enjoy the taste more while you are eating. Eat more consciously. |
Calories – Stop food addictions by eating fibers & avoiding animal-based fats, sugar and salt
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People prefer eating easy food without fibers. This is easy to chew, digest and the stomach has no work to process these foods. Add animal-based fat for a nice structure, or sugar or salt and the food becomes super addictive. And people cannot stop eating. Examples are freshly pressed juices, fruits without skin and overcooked pasta. | The yogi should eat just enough food to be able to meditate. Too much food is giving too much energy to the body and will disturb the calm feeling inside the body. Sattva promotes fresh vegetables, whole grains, lentils and beans, nuts, sprouts, mildly sweet fruits and vegetables, dates, figs. Such a diet results into a calm heart and a clear mind. | To stop food addiction, people should mainly eat food with a lot of fibers like in whole grain products. The fiber stops the hunger feeling more quickly. In addition, people should avoid animal-based fat, sugar and salt as much as possible. For this reason, stop eating processed foods that play with these bad ingredients to make people addicted to their food. Eat food with fibers, like bread (preferably whole grain and high fibre variant), cereals (preferably whole grain and high fibre variant), pasta (preferably whole grain and high fibre variant & do not overcook and keep al dente), oats, seeds and nuts, vegetables, fruit (especially the skin) and legumes eg red kidney beans, lentils, split peas, dried beans. |
Calories – Eat whole ingredients with fibers, healthy carbs, healthy proteins, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins
Today | Traditional Yoga Diet | -> Yoga inspired Diet |
People focus at gathering calories by eating unhealthy ingredients like snacks, fastfood, processed food, chemically treated meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. These foods will still the hunger quickly but the hunger feeling will return more quickly. | Sattva promotes fresh vegetables, whole grains, lentils and beans, nuts, sprouts, mild healing spices, and other mildly sweet fruits and vegetables, raw honey, dates, figs, milk and ghee, plant-based oils. Such a diet results into a calm heart and a clear mind. | Eat the right ingredients to gather exactly the calories, carbs, proteins, fats, fibers, minerals and vitamins your body needs to continue the activity. The advantage is that the hunger will remain stilled for a longer time. |
Calories – Balance your weight without fasting
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People tend to develop obesity or anorexia. Fasting is used to balance weight. | Every week fasting is recommended. | Fasting is not recommended because this will result in hunger attacks afterwards. Balance your weight by slighty eating less or more calories decreasing or increasing all nutrients at the same time. |
Carbs – Avoid fresh juices, soft drinks and alcohol and drink instead far more water and herbal tea while eating fresh fruits
Today | Traditional Yoga Diet | -> Yoga inspired Diet |
People drink alcohol, soft drinks and fresh juices. They also eat fruits and vegetables that are treated with chemicals. | Only drink water or herbal tea. | Only drink water, herbal tea, vegetable juices, soya milk. Start eating more organic/bio fresh fruits and vegetables to gather the necessary fibers and healthy sugars. Avoid alcohol, soft drinks, fresh juices, non-organic fruits and vegetables. Also add the yoga fruits like figs and dates with some raw honey. Non-alcoholic wines and beers are a good alternative for alcoholic drinks. |

Carbs – Eat more whole grain bread, rice, pasta, etc
Today | Traditional Yoga Diet | -> Yoga Inspired Diet |
People eat too often fastfood, snacks, candies and white bread, rice and pasta. | Sattva promotes whole grains, mildly sweet fruits and vegetables, raw honey, dates, figs. Such a diet results into a calm heart and a clear mind. | Shift from white bread, rice and pasta towards whole grain ingredients for gathering healthy carbohydrates and fibers and healthy sugars. Cook your pasta al dente to keep the fibers. Avoid fast food, processed food, snacks, candy. |
Proteins – Eat more food with plant-based proteins and chicken and fish
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Proteins are a sensitive topic, as beef, pork, eggs, and dairy (milk and yogurt) are very popular, but these ingredients deliver too many saturated fats. Humans are the only species in the world who consume dairy products, like milk, yoghurt and cheese so that explains why so many people suffer from lactose allergies. | Be vegetarian! A traditional Yogi diet also bans meat. Ahimsa is the idea that all living things are connected and that the world would be a better place if you do not harm living things. | Shift towards more plant-based proteins and, to a lesser extent, poultry and fish. Plant-based proteins can be found in legumes, tofu, wheat and rye, potatoes, root vegetables, rice, nuts, and seeds. If you want to eat chicken or fish, always opt for animals that were treated well during their life. |
Proteins – Become flexo-tarian
Today | Traditional Yoga Diet | -> Yoga Inspired Diet |
People are mostly meat lovers and get most proteins out of meat (60%), only 40% out of plants and fish. | You should become vegetarian and get all proteins out of plants (100%). However you are allowed to consume milk and ghee. | You should become flexotarian and get most proteins out of plants (60%), only 40% out of chicken and fish. Try to ban red meat and dairy products. |
Fats – Avoid animal-based fats and coconut oil
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People eat too many food with saturated fats, such as butter, palm, coconut oils and red meat. | Yoga vegetarians avoid red meat. However they consume milk and ghee. | Eat food with unsaturated fats, like fatty fish (eg salmon), nuts and peanuts, vegetable oils, avocados, olives, hummus, chia seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and edamame. |
Chemicals – Avoid chemicals and processed food and opt instead for bio, fresh and organic food
Today | Traditional Yoga Diet | -> Yoga Inspired Diet |
People eat fastfood, snacks, processed food, cheap vegetables and fruits that contain insecticides and pesticides and meat and fish full of hormones and antibiotics.These foods also promote addictions with a lack of fibers and a bomb of animal-based fats, sugar and salt. | A traditional Yoga diet would not allow processed food and food contaminated with chemicals, since purity and cleanliness are two principles based on the Saucha practice. | Avoid chemicals and processed foods to consume enough fibers, vitamins and minerals. Eat only fresh, biological, organic fruits and vegetables. If exceptionally you drink a fresh fruit juice or wine, opt for the bio version. Avoid meat and fish treated with chemicals like hormones, pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics. |
Minerals and vitamins – Eat more uncooked, fresh, bio, organic and unprocessed vegetables, fruits and herbs
Today | Traditional Yoga Diet | -> Yoga Inspired Diet |
People tend to overcook vegetables and herbs so that the minerals and vitamins disappear. | Sattva promotes mild healing spices and herbs. Typical spices are cardamom, coriander, cumin, fennel, turmeric, fresh ginger. Typical herbs are ashwagandha, gotu kola, jatamansi, shankhapushpi, tulsi. To be avoided: pungent vegetables like garlic, onion, hot peppers, nightshades. | Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs to gather many vitamins and minerals. Cooking vegetables will eliminate the minerals and vitamins. Add basil, dill, oregano, sage, rosemary, thyme, garlic, ginger to your recipes. Also add the yoga spices and herbs like cardamom, coriander, cumin, fennel, turmeric, fresh ginger, ashwagandha, bacon, gotu kola, jatamansi, shankhapushpi, tulsi. Do not forget to load up your vitamin D by walking in the sun at noon. |
1 Shift to more taste
If you enjoy every bite, your body will give you a greatful and relaxed attitude. Eat to celebrate life.
2 Shift to just enough calories
Don’t stuff or starve your body. Eat until your body is satisfied, not more. In the old Yoga tradition fasting is only recommended for balancing your body, mind and spirit.
3 Shift to real food
Select food that contains healthy proteins, carbs, sugars, fats, fibers, minerals and vitamins. Be inspired by the yogic principles of ahimsa, sattva and saucha. Eat exactly what your body needs. Skip fake food promoted by the media.
4 Shift to fresh and bio
Eat freshly harvested fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices and herbs. Also avoid chemicals.
5 Shift to exploration
Life is one big adventure. Explore the world of foods and you will encounter new food that is good for you.
6 Shift to water
Water is purifying, cleansing and refreshing your body. Replace wine, beer, softdrinks and fruit juices by water.