Author: Yogi

  • Japanese healthy feast

    Japanese people are amongst the most healthy people in the world when evaluating their food. They eat pure food, soya products, plant-based oils, a lot of vegetables and freshly caught fish. This inspired me to organize a Japanese feast for my family. We started with edamame soya beans. We continued with two styles of the…

  • Italian food feast

    Last Friday night I was really in the mood to treat the family to a super delicious Italian feast. We started with a selection of Italian antipasti, the starters. After these super tasty antipasti, we continued with wholesome pasta, crunchy nutty romanesco and Sicilian chicken.

  • Tasty tuna in Salade Niçoise

    Tuna is a great source of protein and calcium and many more nutrients! If you want to try a super tasty and nutritious French recioe, you should definitely try the Salade Niçoise.

  • Vegetables from the sea

    If you live nearby the seaside, you can vary also with vegetables of the sea. Very rich in vitamins and minerals are the vegetables of the sea. We prepare these as a side dish or as a snack.

  • Apero time, inspired by the Yoga Diet

    Healthy snacking should not be boring and dull in taste. There is so much flavor on offer that suits all tastes. Our pro tip: the next time you want to grab for a glass of beer or wine, opt for an alcohol-free alternative.

  • Cooking with fish

    Fish is a delicious source of healthy fats, proteins and minerals. In a world in which there is a tendency to replace meat, there are many options for cooking in a durable way with fish. Let us spark your appetite and make you even more enthousiast about cooking with our selection of fish. When buying…

  • Our three favorite Kale recipes

    When I was younger (a long time ago ;-), we used to eat kale in combination with mashed potatoes at least 10 times in the Autumn and in the Winter. This forgotten vegetable contains a wealth in calcium so kale is a great addition to your diet when you want to replace dairy products. Let…

  • Nutrients in Softdrinks

    Softdrinks are chemically processed and contain a lot of sugar. That is why we do not recomment to drink softdrinks. Do you want to know exactly how many sugars? We made a short overview ordered by calories by glass.

  • Healthy snack ideas

    We can recharge in a very healthy way. Did you know that nuts, seeds and whole fruits are great sources for proteins, calcium, fibers, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and many more nutrients? I will now share some great ideas to fill your snack box with all nutrition levels. I ordered them from low to higher calories.…

  • Chicken recipes inspired by the Yoga Diet tradition

    Chicken provides nutrition that is on the list of daily required intake, like protein, calcium, fibers and unsaturated fats. Let us now take a look at the recipes and see if we can improve them? This is a healthy recipe. However we could have done better, if we replaced the risotto rice by wild rice.…