Category: wines

  • Apero time, inspired by the Yoga Diet

    Healthy snacking should not be boring and dull in taste. There is so much flavor on offer that suits all tastes. Our pro tip: the next time you want to grab for a glass of beer or wine, opt for an alcohol-free alternative.

  • Our list of 0% alcohol wines and beers

    Three watch-outs for non-alcoholic wines and beers: That is why we created a list of non-alcoholic wines and beers that really contain zero (0%) alcohol. After reviewing this list, you can compare these nutrition values with those of the most popular beers, wines and cocktails in the world. Our list of 0% Red wines: Our…

  • What are the calories in wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks?



    It is common knowledge that alcohol is not good for our health. Amongst others, alcohol weakens the heart muscles that might result in heart failure. There is also an increased risk of diabetes, weight gain and stomach cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, liver cancer, etc. Since alcohol adds calories without benefits to the health, we…